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This body of work began as the world entered into quarantine; a time marked by confined interior spaces, high levels of anxiety, and reliance on digital communication.


In an effort to counteract these forces, I reflected on open exterior spaces and took a pause from my digital work. I committed to working with tangible materials: a sheet of plexiglass as my plate, water-based ink, and paper.


March 2020               Stratus II


Short walks in the neighborhood are allowed, but I crave a larger sky.


I imagine mountains, trees, deep lakes, and heavy clouds.



July 2020                  Stratus III


Dreaming of Umbria, which is unattainable.


I picture the curve of a particular hilltop and the land below, olive trees, late-day light, and heavy clouds.



October 2020            Unmoored


Memories of a long swim and an unfortunate wave.


The ocean turns its face to confront me—tossing lost ships below heavy clouds.



December 2020         Monuments and Rivers


I am imagining the Seine during the time of Covid.


Reflections on the water, quiet streets, the recesses of windows, arched walkways, and heavy clouds.





January 2021             Tempest


Lots of rain, which should be snow. Days before the inauguration, grey smoke fills the air.


Barren trees, a harsh wind, day-old clothes, and heavy clouds.

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